Sheila Cohen has been a leader in Transformational Mindshift Mentorship through ministry and public speaking for over twelve years; she is experienced and equipped to teach clients how to discover their inner strength and turn every failure-past or present, into steppingstones by shifting the mindset from doubt into determination for success, how to turn fears and setbacks into launching pads, and learn to soar to new heights in life with a renewed mindset.
Recognized as a seasoned Motivational Speaker and Storyteller, Sheila Cohen is a Certified John T Maxwell Speaker, Trainer and Coach, a former Toastmasters alumnus and is available for many different types of speaking engagements including teenage confidence coaching, leadership development, keynote speaking, ministerial engagements and more.
As a result of working with Sheila Cohen, clients are able to walk confidently into their future, effectively use any negative hinderances from the past to fuel creativity to accomplish goals and create footprints of success along the way. Her personal breakthrough came when she determined within herself to make a mind-changing decision to no longer be bound by past physical, mental and emotional scars left from abandonment, rape, low self-esteem, bullying, and rejection; she began using everyday affirmations and accountability exercises to condition her mind to think limitless in her untapped, God-given abilities. Her story of thriving in victory against the odds and identifying as a victim of society began after growing up rebellious until one night in the 'grown up' hours, when a small whisper within her spoke to her spirit while she was deep in sin trying to forget the pain. That unforgettable night, she cried herself to sleep in a drunken stupor, but woke up with an unusual calmness after the whisper, that she unknowingly began to be inspired to work towards changing her lifestyle from the nightclub action to learning about a saving grace from above. Every hurt, pain, bitterness and anger was now becoming the catalyst that would be the muscle behind the work on brightening a light that always dimly shone within her, in her darkest moments.
Eventually, she found God, love and her true purpose in Ministry, and later founded with intention and declaration, a movement called Sisters Walking In Faith Together. Women of any age or background can find strength and encouragement on an online presence called SWIFT On The Move that serves in outreach ministry. This initiative is committed to walking with women young and seasoned, and to teach them how to see themselves as qualified for a victorious living not only in spite of, but because of their negative experiences and survival; and to realize that what could not destroy you, has ultimately and truly made you undeniably stronger on purpose-for purpose!
As the Founder of S.W.I.F.T. Unlimited, LLC, Sheila Cohen provides, teaches and shares effective tools, hacks and resources with women that will ultimately cause a 360-degree turn to any unfavorable or personal life story; causing a turn towards triumph through awareness in the importance of mental and emotional wellness. Sheila Cohen also offers fitness and nutrition resources under a powerful online women's community affectionately called "Women of Thunder", and custom creates "blinged out" inspired reminders that can be used consistently with her masterful, "Pretty Imperfections" Inspirational Drinkware, face wear and stationary.
As a result of working with Sheila Cohen consistently towards being victorious every single day-regardless of the present status or circumstance, women are experiencing a stronger confidence in their self-beliefs and inspired to keep rising above every challenge that she may face. Because of her strong passion and love for helping women to discover their own true inner strength by way of sharing her many "life didn't overtake me", stories and mentorship, she has been featured on the cover of magazines such as InSpiring Magazine, where she is a former Sisterhood Column Contributor; and currently serves as Magazine Editor for Kingdom Connections where she and her husband of 12 years, Bishop Marvin R. Cohen, Jr. were featured as it's February 2022 Cover Story. Together they have 4 children and 7 grandchildren.
Connect with Sheila Cohen and SWIFT Unlimited, LLC and let's create your testimony of victory into the unimaginable, together!
With Loving Kindness,
Sheila M. Cohen
How I Can Help You
Discover how to get started on your fitness goals and stay enthused!
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30 min
30 min
Minister J.B.
"Letting you know how excited we are to have you speak God's Words".
Minister C.T.
"When you speak, you speak prophetically; you operate greatly in the prophetic anointing".
"It is a blessing to work with you; I have gained clarity and understanding on how to move past my past and live a happy future".